◇ Books
- 量子の不可解な偶然 ー非局所性の本質と量子情報科学への応用ー, N. ジザン(著),木村元,筒井泉(訳)(共立出版,2022).
- Introduction to Quantum Information Science, M. Hayashi, S. Ishizaka, A. Kawachi, G. Kimura, T. Ogawa (Springer, 2015).
- 量子情報科学入門, 石坂 智, 小川 朋宏, 河内 亮周, 木村 元, 林 正人 (共立出版, 2012).
- マーミン 量子コンピュータ科学の基礎, N. D. マーミン(著), 木村元(訳) (丸善, 2009).
- Decoherence Suppression in Quantum Systems 2008, Edited by: M. Nakahara, R. Rahimi, A. SaiToh, Chapt.1 G. Kimura (World Scientific, 2008).
◇ Articles
- ベルの不等式が問いかける 実在・局所性・自由意志, 語り:木村 元 聞き手:古田 彩(日経サイエンス, 2023年12月号)
- QBism 量子×ベイズ――量子情報時代の新解釈, H. C. フォン・バイヤー(著), 松浦俊輔(訳), 木村元(解説) (森北出版, 2018).
- 量子力学に現れる非局所性の意味, 木村元 (数理科学, 2014年12月号).
- 情報から生まれる量子力学, 木村元 (日経サイエンス, 2013年7月号) ; 量子の逆説(日経サイエンス, 細谷曉夫 編, 2014)に再掲.
- 量子力学の原理を求めて, 木村元 (数理科学, 2009年12月号).
◇ Papers
Böttcher-Wenzel inequality for weighted Frobenius norms and its application to quantum physics,
Aina Mayumi, Gen Kimura, Hiromichi Ohno, Dariusz Chruscinski, arXiv:2403.04199.
Universal constraint for relaxation rates of semigroups of qubit Schwarz maps,
Dariusz Chruscinski, Gen Kimura and Farrukh Mukhamedov, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57 185302 (2024).
Trade-off relations between measurement dependence and hiddenness for separable hidden variable models,
Ryo Takakura, Kei Morisue, Issei Watanabe, Gen Kimura, arXiv:2208.13634.
One parameter generalization of BW inequality and its application to open quantum dynamics,
Dariusz Chruscinski, Gen Kimura, Hiromichi Ohno, Tanmay Singal, Linear Algebra Appl. 656, 158-166 (2023).
Relaxed Bell inequalities as a tradeoff relation between measurement dependence and hiddenness,
Gen Kimura, Yugo Susuki, Kei Morisue, Phys. Rev. A 108, 022214 (2023).
Construction of general SIC POVMs by using a complete orthogonal basis,
Masakazu Yoshida and Gen Kimura, Phys. Rev. A 106, 022408 (2022).
Bounding the Frobenius norm of a q-deformed commutator,
Dariusz Chruscinski, Gen Kimura, Hiromichi Ohno, Tanmay Singal, Linear Algebra Appl. 646, 95-106 (2022).
Constraints for the spectra of generators of quantum dynamical semigroups,
Dariusz Chruscinski, Ryohei Fujii, Gen Kimura, Hiromichi Ohno, Linear Algebra Appl. 630, 293-305 (2021).
- On the universal constraints for relaxation rates for quantum dynamical semigroup,
Dariusz Chruscinski, Gen Kimura, Andrzej Kossakowski, Yasuhito Shishido, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 050401 (2021).
- Entanglement extracted from vacuum into accelerated Unruh-DeWitt detectors and energy conservation,
Jun-ichirou Koga, Kengo Maeda, Gen Kimura, Phys. Rev. D 100, 065013 (2019).
- Quantum teleportation in vacuum only via Unruh-DeWitt detectors,
Jun-ichirou Koga, Gen Kimura, Kengo Maeda, Phys. Rev. A 97, 062338 (2018).
- Information storing yields a point-asymmetry of state space in general probabilistic theories,
Keiji Matsumoto, Gen Kimura, arXiv:1802.01162.
- Universal Constraints on Relaxation Times for d-Level GKLS Master Equations,
Gen Kimura, Shigeru Ajisaka, Kyohei Watanabe, Open Syst. Inf. Dyn. 24, 1740009 (2017).
- Entropies in General Probabilistic Theories and its Application to Holevo Bound,
Gen Kimura, Junji Ishiguro, Makoto Fukui, Phys. Rev. A 94, 042113 (2016).
- Solution to the mean king's problem using quantum error-correcting codes,
Masakazu Yoshida, Gen Kimura, Takayuki Miyadera, Hideki Imai, Jun Cheng, Phys. Rev. A 91, 52326 (2015).
- On affine maps on non-compact convex sets and some characterizations of finite-dimensional solid ellipsoids,
Gen Kimura, Koji Nuida, J. Geom. Phys. 86, 1 (2014).
- Determining eigenvalues of a density matrix with minimal information in a single experimental setting,
Tohru Tanaka, Yukihiro Ota, Mitsunori Kanazawa, Gen Kimura, Hiromichi Nakazato, Franco Nori, Phys. Rev. A 89, 012117 (2014).
- Walter Lewin 先生の公開授業 --- ネット配信される大学の授業,
峰 真如, 木村 元, 日本物理学会, 68, 7 (2013).
- Possibility of a minimal purity measurement scheme critically depends on the parity of dimension of the quantum system,
Toru Tanaka, Gen Kimura, Hiromichi Nakazato, Phys. Rev. A 87, 12303 (2013).
- 量子力学の原理探究,
木村元, 科学基礎論研究, 40, 23 (2013).
- On the general property of correlation (Perspectives of Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics-The Memory of Professor Shuichi Tasaki),
Gen Kimura, Shuich Tasaki, Bussei, 97, 3, 421 (2011).
- Lazy states: sufficient and necessary condition for zero quantum entropy rates under any coupling to the environment,
Cesar A. Rodriguez-Rosario, Gen Kimura, Hideki Imai, Alan Aspuru-Guzik, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 421 (2011).
- Distinguishability Measures and Entropies for General Probabilistic Theories,
Gen Kimura, Koji Nuida, Hideki Imai, Rep. Math. Phys. 106, 050403 (2011).
- Relation between the Dynamics of the Reduced Purity and Correlations,
Gen Kimura, Hiromichi Ohno, Milan Mosonyi, Open. Sys. Info. Dyn. 17, 233 (2010).
- Optimal Observables for Minimum-Error State Discrimination in General Probabilistic Theories,
Koji Nuida, Gen Kimura, Takayuki Miyadera, J. Math. Phys. 51, 093505 (2010).
- Optimal state discrimination in general probabilistic theories,
Gen Kimura, Takayuki Miyadera, Hideki Imai, Phys. Rev. A 79, 62306 (2009).
- Quantum limits of measurements induced by multiplicative conservation laws: Extension of the Wigner-Araki-Yanase theorem,
Gen Kimura, Bernhard K. Meister, Masanao Ozawa, Phys. Rev. A 78, 032106 (2008).
- How to detect a possible correlation from the information of a sub-system in quantum mechanical systems,
Gen Kimura, Hiromichi Ohno, Hiroyuki Hayashi, Phys. Rev. A 76, 42123 (2007).
- Comments on “Best conventional solutions to the King's problem,
Gen Kimura, Hajime Tanaka, Masanao Ozawaw, Z. Naturforsch 62a, 152 (2007).
- On the assumption of initial factorization in the master equation for weakly coupled systems II: Solvable models,
Kazuya Yuasa,Shuichi Tasaki,Paolo Facchi,Gen Kimura, Hiromichi Nakazato,Ichiro Ohba, Annals of Physics, 322, 657 (2007).
- On the assumption of initial factorization in the master equation for weakly coupled systems I:General framework,
Shuichi Tasaki,Kazuya Yuasa,Paolo Facchi,Gen Kimura, Hiromichi Nakazato,Ichiro Ohba, Annals of Physics, 322, 631 (2007).
- Solution to the Mean King's problem with mutually unbiased bases for arbitrary levels,
Gen Kimura, Hajime Tanaka, Masanao Ozawaw, Phys. Rev. A 73, 050301 (2006).
- The Bloch-vector space for N-level systems -- the spherical-coordinate point of view,
Gen Kimura, Andrzej Kossakowski, Open. Sys. Info. Dyn. 12, 207 (2005).
- A Note on Positive Maps and Classification of States,
Gen Kimura, Andrzej Kossakowski, Open. Sys. Info. Dyn. 12, 1 (2005).
- A Class of Linear Positive Maps in Matrix Algebras II,
Gen Kimura, Andrzej Kossakowski, Open. Sys. Info. Dyn. 11, 343 (2004).
- Kraus representation in the presence of initial correlations,
Hiroyuki Hayashi, Gen Kimura, Yukihiro Ota, Phys. Rev. A 67, 062109 (2003).
- The Bloch Vector for N-Level Systems,
Gen Kimura, Phys. Lett. A 313, 339 (2003).
- The Bloch Vector for N-Level Systems,
Gen Kimura, J. Soc. Japan, 72, 185 (2003).
- Restriction on relaxation times derived from the Lindblad-type master equations for 2-level systems,
Gen Kimura, Phys. Rev. A 66, 062113 (2002).
- 量子開放系のダイナミクスにおける完全正値性の役割,
木村元, 物性研究, 79, 81 (2002).
- Bifurcation Phenomenon in a Spin Relaxation,
Gen Kimura, Kazuya Yuasa, Kentaro Imafuku, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 140403 (2002).
- Stochastic limit approximation for rapidly decaying systems,
Gen Kimura, Kazuya Yuasa, Kentaro Imafuku, Phys. Rev. A 63, 022103 (2001).